In short SLSGB is for everyone, our lifesaving community welcome all to the fitness, fun and thrill of knowing how to be at one and in total control with the elements. 

7-13 years (Nippers)

Known as ‘nippers’ this age group will have a lot of fun whilst learning surf safety, basic lifesaving skills and surf and beach sports including surf swimming, board-paddling, beach sprints and more. The focus is on having fun, everyone is welcomed to the lifesaving community. 

Nippers are encouraged to take water-based skill qualifications following our nipper pathway which, will allow them and fellow team members to take part in surf lifesaving competitions, the emphasis is however put on taking part being what matters most. 

As well as learning vital lifesaving skills children will gain from strengthening communication skills, building new friendships and being part of fantastic team spirit and a community.  

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13-19 years (Juniors & Youths)

Our lifesaving community welcome all to the fitness, fun and thrill of knowing how to be at one and in total control with the elements.

Being part of the SLSGB community at this age group is not just about the lifesaving sport, it also helps build confidence, increase communication and provide training opportunities that will help with future university or job interviews, form long lasting friendships and more. 

This age group sees youngsters competing at both regional and national surf lifesaving competitions helping put focus on fitness, organisation, travel and commitment skills. 

At age 16 members are also able to start the process to become qualified beach lifeguards something that can provide job opportunities both in the UK and abroad. Opportunities to get hands on with beach patrols and also complete awards such as first aid, lifesaving skills and access to our Graduate Lifeguard programme become available as well. 

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20+ years

From learning lifesaving skills, coaching and training to volunteering in patrols, our senior and master categories tend to be very active sections within clubs. 

Whether you are new to the world of SLSGB or have been part of the community for many years everyone is welcome to join in. From learning lifesaving skills to teaching them to other club members, coaching youngsters, helping set up and run events the opportunities are broad. 

There are of course continued opportunities to train and compete at both regional and national level. In addition, SLSGB have patrolling and search and rescue teams which members in these categories are encouraged to be a part of. 

At all ages the SLSGB community provides opportunities to be a part of a social community, whether it be for you as an individual or your family.  

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